No great insight from me on this one, although I recall poking around at this (lightly) at one point when one of the Batman movies was coming out. I think I couldn’t get internal traction. Anyway, there are all kinds of cool BBC adaptations. I also wanted to do something with the Star Wars adaptations they did.
As for Batman…
Interestingly, while the comic-book Batman depicted scenes of extreme violence, sadism, and death, for the most part the mainstream television programs and films never pushed things beyond a PG-13 rating. The BBC had no such scruples. Its Knightfall is not for the faint of heart. Crunching bones and burning bodies are treated with gratuitous audio fidelity. Listening to it as a 12-year-old, sitting alone in my room, I was terrified and yet unable to stop.
via Classics: Batman: Knightfall BBC Radio drama | The Verge.