Good morning. I am not here to say Beats is good nor bad. I have personally punched in twice, heard songs I didn’t like and punched out. I’m about to head out with my dogs and attempt to give it a curiosity listen.
I am reading lots of reviews and this one caught my eye…
James Cridland tries to listen to Apple Music’s new global radio station, and is not impressed
Source: Beats 1 – botched, lazy and uninspiring
Now what caught my eye about it was the below, because I am a production snob:
I’m not a radio programmer, but I found it curious that the first promo we heard was for Julie Adenuga promoting “her next show”. Given that she hadn’t been on the radio station, it should have been a promo made specially telling people to join her for “her first show”.
I hate that kind of stuff. The writer is correct. There is no next show if you haven’t done one yet. I used to drive production directors and board-ops and producers crazy with my insistence that promos have today/tomorrow/day of week tags. Nothing sounds worse than to hear a promo tag for “Wednesday at 2” when today is Wednesday.
Actually there is something worse, and this is in general and has nothing to do with Apple: the promo for “we talk about what you want to talk about / the hottest topics / we take YOUR calls.” Great.
My experience has been that in the age of computers and PDs running many multiple stations that the attention to detail has slipped.
Anyway, boo on the production director or the promo scheduler.
That being said, Day One is hard. Bugs crop up, and the Day Seven product is always a more polished version of the vision. Will be interesting to watch.