Nice insightful read here.
“Dashboard technology moves slowly, because people don’t change their cars often. But once they do change cars, their technology is changed for several years. If someone buys a CarPlay car, or an Android dashboard, or a Ford Sync car, that means that is their listening platform for the average length of car ownership in the U.K., which is seven years. My car is five years old, and I can’t listen to the digital stations that I listen to at home. So I feel that drag. When I get into the car I have a radio landscape that doesn’t suit me anymore.”
via Connected cars and the future of U.K. radio: Interview with Michael Hill of Radioplayer – RAIN News.
My newest car is a 2006. I hear many of you have a fancy way to connect your iPhones to your dash. Not me. I have a cassette adapter.
So this is a good point here that if I go out today and buy a 2015 whatever I am likely to use that car’s “radio” for ten years – so in my universe it doesn’t matter that your fancy new App is on a 2017 BMW, I won’t be driving one.
On the other hand, if the content is good enough people will seek it out. Folks did all kinds of crazy things to get Howard Stern back in 2006, and I have no problem connecting my phone to my cassette adapter. We live in interesting times.