My need for TV aggregation

I was listening to the Firewall and Iceberg podcast where they were discussing Community and whether or not the show did a big number for Yahoo.

One of the things they touched upon was how platforms still matter.

I LOVE Community, but kept finding myself falling behind in episodes.  Why? Because it was not on the DVR.

Oh yes sure it was On-Demand, all I had to do was switch the input on the TV, fire up the AppleTV or the Roku, zip on over to Yahoo Screen and hit play.  Yet, moving a thumb five times across two remotes sometimes seems like an ordeal when you have a 97% full DVR one thumb away on the remote that is already in your hand.

I need the shows on one list.  The DVR menu.

Then I thought some more about some other things I am not watching for no good reason.

Daredevil.  Folks told me it was awesome.  I can afford Netflix.  I even have a 30 day trial waiting.  But..if I activate it am I going to watch 13 episodes of Daredevil in a row?  No.  But I am afraid to start the clock or whatever other irrational fear holds me back.  So I do nothing and see what’s on the DVR.

Amazon Prime.  I have it.  I like it a lot.  I rarely use it.  Why?  Menus and switching and the aforementioned 97% full DVR.

Yes I will always go out of my way to find appointment programming.  Make a new Star Trek series and you can put it on the most obscure thing ever and I will find a way.  However if you want me to watch it now or +3, you might want to find a way to put it on my DVR.