What an exciting time to be me, even if this post is coming to you from the Between Gigs Basement,
The Amazon Streaming Audio rumor is interesting. I love Prime because I love hitting click anytime I feel like impulse buying. If they want to give me streaming audio with it, cool!
The other rumor, this one about iTunes Radio becoming its own app, is also fun. I will be curious to see where that one goes.
Today I played around with the iTunes Radio Top 50 Alt station and really enjoyed it. To the point, on target and curated. It also “tricked” me into buying about eight songs. I run a lot and get sick of everything in my iPhone, so to get turned on to a bunch of new-to-me songs was a pleasure. And there’s that nice and easy BUY NOW button. This business model I get. My “free” radio got me for like twelve bucks today. And yet I don’t care, because I like the songs. That’s a good product.
So there’s four quick paragraphs none of which are what I set out to write about. I have been sitting on this one since it first showed up last Friday, but there has been so much other stuff (like that Infinite Dial study) that it has been hard to work this one in. (Originally I was going to post twice a week so these posts see daylight, and I am already doing more because I’m excited, which is today’s theme.)
Look at the nice pretty graphic Mashable made. ELEVEN HOURS. Eleven. Figure you sleep seven, so there’s six other hours for things like talking to your family and brushing your teeth. Eleven is no joke.
The folks that watch five hours of live TV a day fascinate me. I watch zero. So someone else is watching ten to make the math work. Once the Mets get rolling I will watch three hours of live. Never five. (Well maybe an NFL Sunday….)
Conversely, I am surprised that time shifted TV is only 32 minutes. I watch everything time shifted. I don’t start The Walking Dead until 9:20. I can’t sit through a commercial. My thumb needs to skip 30 seconds. Eight times in a row. I watch an hour, maybe 90 minutes a day of TV of any kind, then I am known to pass out on the couch.
Hooray for radio hanging in there at 2:46. Unresearched I will guess that people’s commutes are getting longer than even the last studies showed (25 minutes average US, with longer ones in the fairly obvious metroplexes).
Eleven hours. Is your content available for all eleven? Or are you a “radio” company without good social media, without a good app, without an actual mobile site designed for mobile? ESPN gets it – you can interact with them all day long on every device. Wanna read? Bingo ESPN.com. Wanna read local? ESPN New York LA Dallas Boston. Wanna listen? App. Wanna watch? TV. Wanna watch differently? App.
What a fun time to be part of all this, even if this week it is from the basement